Rotation of Ethane
Characterize the potential energy surface for the rotation of ethane
This exercise will guide you through determining the rotational energy for ethane. Read the overview for the energy profile for the rotation of ethane (see Section 1.1.5).
Setup and Run
In a molecular modeling program (such as Avogadro), build the staggered and eclipsed conformers of ethane in symmetry. Save each set of Cartesian coordinates to a separate Gaussian input file. I have chosen to use the B3LYP/cc-pVDZ
level of theory for these computations. Below are the two input files. You can copy this data into your own input files.
Be sure that your files end with a blank line otherwise Gaussian will immediately terminate. Place the input files in an appropriate set of directories on sequoia
. Name your files as 1.inp
. Be sure to include a g09.pbs file in each directory.
I have placed my files in the following directories:
WATCH: Setup the staggered ethane input file into the directory listed above.
mkdir -p ~/chem/ethane/staggered/b3lyp/dz
to make the directory from yourHOME
directorycd ~/chem/ethane/staggered/b3lyp/dz
to change into the directoryvi 1.inp
to create the input filei
to enter Insert Moderight click
(ormiddle click
) to pasteEnter
to insert a blank line at the end of the fileESC
to enter Command Mode:wq
to save and close the file
To run the jobs, type:
% qsub g09.pbs
Your job should now be in the queue. To check if it has been queued up, type
% qstat | grep $USER
This will only show your jobs that are in the queue. Once the job completes, it will no longer be in the queue. A 1.out
file should be in your directory if the job ran.
Analyze the Output File
The output file contains a plethora of information. For now, we want to pull the final electronic energy from the output file of each ethane conformer.
% grep "SCF Done:" 1.out
Staggered Conformer:
Here is the result of typing the above command on the output file of the staggered conformer:
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8285304741 A.U. after 9 cycles
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8292682271 A.U. after 9 cycles
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8292865564 A.U. after 6 cycles SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8292865564 A.U. after 1 cycles
WATCH: Pull the electronic energies from the output file.
grep "SCF Done:" 1.out
will print to the screen every line in1.out
that contains the string “SCF Done:”.
The last energy is what we want. Another command to type to simply get the last energy is
% grep "SCF Done:" 1.out | tail -1
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8292865564 A.U. after 1 cycles
Eclipsed Conformer:
Here is the result of typing the above command on the output file of the eclipsed conformer:
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8193127879 A.U. after 10 cycles
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8244075937 A.U. after 9 cycles
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8245992450 A.U. after 6 cycles
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8246214099 A.U. after 6 cycles SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8246214099 A.U. after 1 cycles
The last energy is what we want. Another command to type to simply get the last energy is
% grep "SCF Done:" 1.out | tail -1
SCF Done: E(RB3LYP) = -79.8246214099 A.U. after 1 cycles
Relative Energies
Absolute energies are, on their own, not very useful. We will convert our two absolute energies into relative energies. Here, I will subtract both absolute energies from the absolute energy of the staggered conformation. I will then convert this energy to kcal mol–1 by multiplying by 627.51. This can be done in an Excel spreadsheet for convenience.
General chemistry knowledge tells us that the staggered conformer for ethane should be lower in energy than the eclipsed conformer. The B3LYP/cc-pVDZ level of theory indicates that the eclipsed conformer is 2.73 kcal mol–1 higher in energy than the staggered conformer.
Nature of Stationary Points
An optimization does not always lead to a minimum on the potential energy surface. A frequency computation (via freq
in a Gaussian input file) must be done following an optimization to determine the nature of the stationary point.
Staggered Conformer:
Type the following command to print the vibrational modes to the screen. The output is immediately shown.
% grep "Frequencies" 1.out
Frequencies -- 318.1062 821.1006 821.1006
Frequencies -- 1008.8704 1204.3804 1204.3834
Frequencies -- 1385.7120 1408.8932 1474.0491
Frequencies -- 1474.0497 1476.6993 1476.7007
Frequencies -- 3026.6556 3029.0296 3083.7664
Frequencies -- 3083.7670 3107.9862 3107.9875
Notice that all the values printed are listed as positive values. This means that all the modes are real and, therefore, the geometry from the optimization is indeed a minimum on the B3LYP/cc-pVDZ potential energy surface.
WATCH: Pull the frequencies from the output file.
grep "Frequencies" 1.out
will print to the screen every line in1.out
that contains the string “Frequencies”.
Eclipsed Conformer:
Doing the same for the eclipsed conformer output file, the following is seen:
% grep "Frequencies" 1.out
Frequencies -- -307.6615 884.6129 884.6136
Frequencies -- 1005.7447 1156.6530 1156.6551
Frequencies -- 1382.2238 1420.4588 1472.5773
Frequencies -- 1472.5778 1478.5955 1478.5957
Frequencies -- 3032.8235 3041.8071 3090.9041
Frequencies -- 3090.9054 3111.9915 3111.9916
Here, one of the modes is listed with a negative sign. The negative sign is used to denote that the vibrational mode is imaginary. If one vibrational mode is imaginary, the geometry is a transition state. According to the B3LYP/cc-pVDZ level of theory, the eclipsed conformer of ethane is a transition state, as expected.