Chemistry Website

How to request a post on the chemistry website

General Requirements

News & Events

Generally, a News/Event post is accompanied by appropriate written content. However, a News/Event can simply be a title that, when clicked, links to an external webpage that contains the information (such as linking to a conference page, news release, etc.).

News/Event posting:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Date of news or event
  • Written content about news or event

News/Event link:

  • Title
  • Link to external webpage


A highlight is a post that informs on an event/achievement/etc. that has already taken place. Highlights require an image that is visible on the homepage.

Required information:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Written content

Research Highlights

A research highlight is a post that highlights a publication or current research. All research highlights require a banner image submission.

Required information:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Banner image: A widescreen Powerpoint slide (saved as a .png) is the correct size.
  • Written content
  • ACS citation for publication
  • DOI for publication