3.0 Units and Markers

The terms used to describe classes of units have precise meanings that are important to understanding these rules. For instance, “ground units” describes a broader range of units than “combat units” (which are a subset of ground units), and “Attack-Capable units” are a further subdivision of combat units. Use of the word “units” by itself (not modified as in “independent units” or “DG Mode units”) refers collectively to all units—ground, naval, and air—when a narrower context is not obvious.

3.1 Ground Units

Ground units are divided into a pair of large sub-categories: combat units (3.2) and non-combat units (3.3). Each has some or all of the following printed on the counter: unit designation; size and type symbols; Combat, Barrage, Action Rating, and Movement values; and supply-throw or barrage ranges.

3.1a Mobility Types. Color indicates a ground unit’s mobility type: Leg, Truck, or Tracked. This can be different from one side of the counter to the other. Note that if the Movement Allowance (MA) is in an outline font, use the color inside the outline.

  • Leg units have a White MA.
  • Truck units have a Black MA.
  • Tracked units have a Red MA in a Yellow box.

3.1b A type symbol has one “wheel” for semi-motorized; two “wheels” for fully motorized. This notation is for historical interest only.

3.1c A Multi-Unit Formation (13.7) is a group of ground units with the same higher-level designation (such as “1st Armor Division” or “6th Tank Corps”). Colored stripes mark these formations in newer games.

3.1d Some ground units have a yellow dot behind their Action Rating. These cannot be rebuilt (13.5c).

3.2 Combat Units

Combat units are any ground units with a Combat Strength. Each side of the counter shows the unit in a different mode (see 5.0). Note that HQs (13.1c) and artillery (13.4b) are combat units, even though their Combat Strengths are not printed on the counter.

3.2a Combat Categories. Color inside the unit symbol rectangle indicates a ground unit’s Combat Category (see 9.4e):

  • Armor has a yellow background.
  • Mech has a red background.
  • Other has any color other than red or yellow.

Design Note: A unit with an armor unit symbol can have a red background. Such a unit has a tank force with an infantry component. Other such combinations are possible. The combination of color and symbol depict the functional as well as the nominal organization of a unit.

3.2b A unit with a combat value in parenthesis is not Attack-Capable (see 4.4). It can only defend.

3.2c The Action Rating grades a unit’s leadership, training, equipment, and cohesion. Printed values range from 0 to 5, with higher numbers being better. (Some modes reduce these ratings, so a -1 AR is possible.)

3.2d Multi-step combat units (usually infantry divisions) have a Regimental Equivalent (RE) number printed on the counter. This RE value is used for a number of purposes (such as stacking and transportation) and is in a colored dot for easy identification. Step losses reduce the strength and size (9.11d) of these units.

3.2e Specialized units covered by the series rules are listed below (individual games may add other types):

  • HQ units (13.1)
  • Rail Repair units (13.3g)
  • Artillery units (13.4)
  • Replacement units (13.5)
  • Engineer units (13.8)
  • Breakdown units (20.0)

3.2f Independent Units. Any unit that is neither part of a multi-unit formation (3.1c) nor a multi-step unit (3.2d) is “independent.” This is important mostly for Fuel Supply (12.5e).

3.3 Non-Combat Units

Non-combat units come in five types: ports, air bases, hedgehogs, Transport Points, and Supply Points (SP). These are ground units, but not combat units. They have no Combat Strength and cannot be used to absorb step losses. An Organic Truck has the same Transport Points value on both front and back of the counter; other non-combat units flip to show a different number of generic “points” or “levels.”

3.3a Supply Points (SP) are supplies in a specific location. A single SP roughly equates to 1,500 tons of consumable supply (an ideal mix of fuel, ammo, and stores is assumed). An SP can be divided into four smaller amounts called Tokens (T); each token is 1/4 SP. The SP and Ts can break down and recombine as needed. SP have no inherent movement ability. They can be moved via the side’s abstract rail/sea capacity and by units with a transport capability: Transport Points, certain ship types, and certain aircraft types. The term for SP in a hex, whether loaded on a Transport Point or unloaded on the ground, is supply dump. SP are “generic” units and can be captured (and recaptured) when control of a hex changes.

3.3b Transport Points have a point value that shows both their size and how many SP they can carry. (Thus a 1-point truck’s full load is 1 SP.) Transport Points can represent just about any kind of vehicle or animal pressed into service (from trucks to elephants). Transport Points with a unit ID on their counter are “Organic Trucks” that belong to a specific multi-unit formation.

3.3c Ports, Air Bases, and Hedgehogs of various sizes can begin the game in place or be constructed. These cannot be moved. Ports can be damaged, which reduces their capacity until repaired. Air Bases can be reduced to a smaller size. Hedgehogs can be reduced in level by friendly (not enemy) action. References to “air bases” in these rules generally include air strips and aircraft carriers as well; references to “ports” include printed ports and converted LSTs.

Important Note

Ports and hedgehogs are often printed on the map. A noncombat unit is considered to be in each such hex.

3.4 Ships

Naval units—also called ships or by their specific type, such as ‘Cruiser’ or ‘Destroyer’—can represent one or many vessels, depending on type. Most naval units are marked with Barrage Strength, Range, Flak, and Protection Values. The front of most naval counters represents the full-strength ship, while the back is the same ship but at reduced strength due to damage. Landing Craft (18.4) are different: they are presented as generic “points” of capacity capable of delivering cargo (combat units, Transport Points, and SP) to coastal hexes and ports.

Design Note

Individual ships (such as carriers) are named and will be “slow” on their damaged side. Naval units without a “slow” side represent multiple ships: generally two Cruisers or four Destroyers. Each “point” of Landing Craft represents many small craft (usually “slow”).

3.5 Aircraft

Air units—called aircraft or planes or by their specific type (such as Fighter or Transport)—represent roughly 20 to 45 aircraft. These are marked with an Aircraft Silhouette, Aircraft Type, Air Combat Rating, Barrage Strength, and Range. Some aircraft also have a Transport Capacity. The front of the counter represents a full-strength unit; the back is the same unit but at reduced strength.

3.6 Game Markers

3.6a Supply Markers. These indicate supply states such as Out of Supply, Low or Exhausted internal stocks, and Fuel status.

3.6b Mode Markers. These designate Reserve, Disorganized, Exploitation, and Strat Mode.

3.6c Weather Markers. These show the current weather, flight, and ground conditions.

3.6d Turn and Phase Markers. These keep track of the game turn and phase.

3.6e Step Loss Markers. These show the losses to multi-step units.

3.6f Formation Markers. Use these to represent a group of counters kept off-map. This reduces on-map counter density and can add to fog of war (13.7).

OCS Unit Explanations

OCS Standard Markers

Size Abbreviations

  • Company = Co
  • Battalion = Bn
  • Regiment = Rgt
  • Brigade = Bde
  • Division = Div