
Landing Craft Summary

The three kinds of Landing Craft are Landing Craft, DUKW, and LST. The generic term “Landing Craft” applies to all three types; some rules are specific to only DUKW (18.4e) or LST (18.4f).

DUKW have a unique MA of 8 per phase; the other two types of Landing Craft are slow ships (18.1f) that move 10 per phase.

The Floating Forces/Sea Box is where Landing Craft will typically load cargo. Landing Craft move to and from the map via Naval Release Points (NRP) or Air Entry Points (AEP). There is no cost to make this move, but a Landing Craft can only go one direction — into the box or out of it — in any given phase. * Loading in this box can only be done in the Movement Phase, before the Landing Craft starts to move.

Cargo can be ground units and SPs. Loading is usually done in the Floating Forces/Sea Box, but can also be done at on-map ports. There is no cost to load or unload cargo, but a Landing Craft stops its movement after unloading. There are three types of Amphibious Landings:

  • A) If the hex is occupied by an enemy combat unit, it is a Beach Assault (see 18.6). Very uncommon!
  • B) When not using a friendly port, an ALT Roll is needed to unload cargo. This can only be done in the Movement Phase. Make one roll per 3 RE unloaded in a hex. Make ALT rolls after all Landing Craft have finished moving. A ground unit can land in either Combat or Move Mode, and can move 1/2 MA after landing. Exception: SP and Transport Points cannot be unloaded.
  • C) When using a port, an ALT Roll is not needed — just unload cargo using the port’s capacity. This can be done during the Movement, Reaction, or Exploitation Phase. A ground unit can land in either Combat or Move Mode, but no movement is allowed after landing. Note that SP and Transport Points can unload when using ports, and that ports with a capacity above zero can use their full capacity to load/unload any one combat unit.
Play Note

Use regular Sea Cap to move SP ashore during the Movement Phase. Then use “extra” Landing Craft to bring in SP at ports in Exploit and Reaction Phase.

DUKW move 8 per phase when acting as a ship, and can only carry “light” cargo (the kind that can be moved via Air Transport missions). They can be converted to act as a truck when they make an ALT roll (and this can be the same roll that unloads cargo), and at this point their MA is 24. They stop if they unloaded cargo as part of this roll; otherwise they multiply remaining MA by 3 if converting from ship-to-truck (and divide remaining MA by 3 when converting the other direction). * When in truck mode, a DUKW spends 2 MP to load/unload.

Example: A DUKW loaded with 1 SP spends 3 MP moving from an NRP to the coastal hex where it wants to convert to a truck. An ALT roll is made, and if successful the DUKW gets to make an “after landing” move using a proportion of remaining movement. Figure this by multiplying remaining MA by 3, so in this case 5 × 3 = 15 MP. It can thus move a couple of hexes and then unload the SP.)

  • ALT roll is not needed to convert from truck to ship!
  • The main use of DUKW is bringing SP ashore in non-port hexes!

LST have the unique ability to create a new 1 SP port. This can be done by making a successful ALT roll (and this can be the one used to unload cargo). These ports cannot be damaged (but are destroyed when an enemy combat unit overruns the hex). LST are downgraded to regular Landing Craft when a loss is taken, so keep them in Floating Forces until you want to create an LST Port — they are too valuable to risk! * An LST port cannot be put in the same hex with another port!


Transport Equivalents (4.7). Generally, RE size is the transportation cost. But if a unit’s printed MA in Move Mode is from 1 to 6 Leg MP, inclusive, its transportation cost is halved.

Moving & Transport (4.7d) . In these cases only, half MA can be spent…

  • before when using rail cap (13.3e).
  • before and/or after when using Air Transport (14.9d).
  • after an ALT landing (18.5h) that requires a roll (but never in cases where no ALT roll is made).

Stacking Order (4.8). The enemy can always see top F-type, hedgehog, and combat unit with a ZOC. Put a single mode and/or OOS marker on top of all such units in a stack; put Loss/Low/ Exhausted markers under each unit.

Enemy Non-Combat Units (9.14). See also the Capture Table.

Blowing Dumps (12.11). This can only be done during a friendly Movement, Reaction, or Exploitation Phase.

Loading and Unloading (13.2f). It costs 10% of Transport’s MA to load or unload. Loading can be done in any hex. Transport points can only unload in hexes which contain a friendly combat unit, port, air base, and/or an existing unloaded supply dump.

Engineer-Capable (13.8a). An HQ or Engineer in Combat Mode, or else in DG Mode and oriented toward Combat Mode (per 5.10e).

Refit Air Base (15.1). Inactive aircraft refit at rate of two units per Air Base Level. Cost is 1T per base.

Air Base Construction (15.3). To build or improve one Level costs 1 SP.

Hedgehog Construction (16.0b). To build or improve one Level costs 2 SP.

Port Repair (19.0d). To repair one Hit costs 1 SP.

Shipping Summary

Sea Cap

Capacity. In some games, each side has a shipping capacity given in the scenario rules. Modifiy RE size of cargo per the Equivalents rule (4.7).

Path. A naval movement path (18.1c) is needed between the two ports. The capacity of each port limits what can be shipped in and out in a single phase. Exception: A port with a capacity above zero (19.0a) can use its full capacity to load/unload any single combat unit. Note an unnegated EZOC reduces a port’s capacity to zero.

Phasing. Shipping is done during the Movement Phase only. Paths are checked at the instant the shipping takes place. There is no movement allowed before or after being shipped, and combat units must be in Move Mode.

Rail Cap

Capacity. Each side has a Rail Cap per scenario rules. Modifiy RE size of cargo per the Equivalents rule (4.7).

Rail Connections. Rail transport begins and ends in detrainable hexes (13.3c). Rails blocked by enemy combat units or ZOCs (or of the wrong gauge) cannot be used for Rail Cap movement.

Phasing. Rail Transport is during the Movement Phase only. Combat units can move up to half their MA before entraining, and must be in Move Mode. No movement is allowed afterward.

RR Repair (13.3g). These units can entrain/detrain in any rail hex, can do so in Combat Mode, and can move after a rail move. They can convert the gauge of up to four hexes per turn during the Movement Phase only.

Air Transport

Capacity. Short range doubles a Tpt’s capacity (14.9e). Modifiy RE size of cargo per the Equivalents rule (4.7). Unlike other forms of shipping…

  • Cargo limited to SP and units with Move Mode ≤ 10 Leg MPs (14.9c).
  • Enemy ZOC have no effect.

Air Base Limits. An Air Base can only unload 2T times its Level per phase. Exception: If the Transport planes go Inactive at the destination base, the usual unloading limits can be ignored.

Phasing. Air Transport missions can be flown during a player’s Movement, Exploitation, and Reaction Phases. To be eligible, a combat unit must be in Move Mode (note orientation cannot be changed before the mission during Reaction or Exploitation). A total of 1/2 movement is allowed before and/or after a ground unit is transported (14.9d).

Supply Summary

Mostly it is just a player’s Combat units that need supply. Air units only need supply for Refit (15.1). Non-combat units and ships never need supply.

Combat Supply (9.5). Pay supply to attack or defend:

  • Attacker pays 1T per attacking step (except DAK 2-step brigades only 1T). Units which do not have full combat supply cannot attack.
  • Defender pays 2T per combat (but if 1 RE or less, cost is 1T). Defenders always have the option to withhold combat supply and defend at x1/2.

Internal Stocks. (12.10). Usable only if normal combat supply is unavailable. Low (or Exhausted) units must pay 2T (or 4T) to remove these markers in the soonest possible Supply Phase.

Barrage Supply (10.1b). For artillery barrages only (not naval or air), pay cost given near the top of the appropriate table (using the initial column, before shifts). Internal stocks cannot be used.

Draw (12.3a). Always traced 5 Truck MPs back to the needed supplies.

Throw (12.3b). HQs use Draw to gain supply and then use Throw to send it where needed. Distance is MPs equal to the HQ’s Throw Range. Use mobility type indicated on HQ (usually Truck).

Supply Paths (12.3d): Pay the normal terrain costs when tracing a draw or throw path (but never apply weather effects that increase this cost). A path can be through enemy ships or non-combat units, but not combat units. EZOCs block paths (but can be negated).

Adjacent is Close Enough (12.3c). A supply path only needs to reach a hex adjacent to the supplies for Draw, and only needs to reach a hex adjacent to the destination for Throw.

Fuel Supply (12.5). Required to move combat units with Truck or Track MPs. (Advance after combat and retreat do not need fuel.) Three options (12.5c): * Pay 1T to move one counter, or * Pay 1 SP to fuel a Formation marker until next friendly Clean-Up Phase. * Pay 1 SP to place a fuel marker on an HQ. All independent units within that HQ’s throw range are fueled until next friendly Clean-Up Phase.

Trace Supply (12.6). Draw can be to a Supply Source, a detrainable hex, or an Extender connected to a Supply Source. EZOCs shut down a Supply Source (but can be negated).

Eating Off The Map (12.6c). When Trace Supply is not available, pay 1T per 2 RE to keep combat units in supply. (Exception: Strat Mode units cannot “eat off map.”)

Trace Supply Effects. Supplied units have normal values. A unit marked Out of Supply (OOS) is checked for Attrition (12.8b) and suffers the following effects:

  • With Combat Supply, an OOS unit attacks and defends at 1/2 strength.
  • Without Combat Supply, an OOS unit cannot attack and defends at 1/4 strength.
  • OOS units have no ZOC.
  • Barrage, AR, and Movement values are unaffected.