8.0 Overrun

Overrun is a form of combat that occurs during the various Movement Segments. Only use these procedures against hexes with enemy combat units—refer to 9.14 when moving into hexes containing only non-combat units, ships, and/or planes.


Move the attacking stack adjacent to the target hex and declare the overrun. Overruns are made from the adjacent hex; the attackers do not actually enter the defender’s hex unless the defender vacates it.

Resolve overruns like any other combat (follow the sequence in 9.2). Note the increased chance for Surprise (9.8) in overruns. If the attacker does not retreat and has sufficient MP remaining after an overrun (regardless of whether the defender retreats or is destroyed), he can continue to move and can make further overruns against the same or other targets. If the defender retreats or is destroyed, all of the attacking units must enter the hex (at no additional movement cost).

8.1 Overrun Restrictions

Only Attack-Capable units that started the phase stacked together can overrun. They must be in Combat, Move, or Exploitation Mode. Units can overrun as many times as their MA allows. There is no limit on the number of times a given defender can be overrun during a single Movement Segment. Resolve each overrun separately.

8.1a Moving units spend 3 MP for each overrun. If the combat result allows the attacker to occupy the defender’s hex, there is no additional MP cost to do so. Units with fewer than 3 MP remaining cannot overrun.

Example: A unit does two overrun attacks against a hex that would cost 1 MP to enter. It is successful the second time, and advances into the defender’s hex with 6 MP expended.

8.1b Overruns are only allowed if the MP cost to enter the hex (the combined hex, hexside, and Trainbusting costs) would be 3 MP or less. A terrain that lists a cost of “All” cannot be overrun.

8.1c Units cannot use features such as roads or bridges to bring the hex’s MP cost down, to negate prohibited terrain, or to meet the restriction of 6.1d.

8.1d Each overrun is made against a single adjacent enemy hex. A given hex can be overrun several times in a single phase. The same moving stack can make several overruns (against the same or different hexes).

8.1e No unit, regardless of the combat result, ever gains an Exploitation marker (9.13b) when making an overrun.

8.1f Should the attacking units choose to take one or more of their options as retreats from an overrun, they end their movement for the phase. The attackers can continue movement if they do not retreat.

8.1g Only units conducting the overrun can move in an overrunning stack.

8.1h Other friendly units can be in the hex from which an overrun is made. These units affect stacking limits in that hex (4.8a), but are not involved in the overrun. The overrun’s combat result has no effect on these units whatsoever (regardless of what it is).