1.3 Capillary Action

Liquids are pulled into small, narrow channels due to capillary action. The narrower the channel, the higher the liquid is pulled, defying gravity.

Water is pulled further into a narrower channel due to capillary action.  [Source](https://prd-wret.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets/palladium/production/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/wss-property-capillary-action.jpg)

Figure 1.12: Water is pulled further into a narrower channel due to capillary action. Source

The adhesive forces between the water molecules and the surface of the glass are greater than the cohesive forces between the water molecules themselves. Mercury has a stronger attraction to itself (cohesive forces) than to the surface of glass (adhesive forces) and does not display capillary action in glass.

Water vs. mercury capillary action in glass. [Source](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/Capillarity.svg)

Figure 1.13: Water vs. mercury capillary action in glass. Source